
Welcome to MedNev. You can find rehabilitation exercises prepared by professionals on this site to
improve your strength, flexibility, and endurance. One of the essential parts of rehabilitation is the home
exercise program. It has been seen that people who exercise regularly accomplish their goals faster.
Studies show that 50-65% of the patient who do not follow their home exercises program have an
increased possibility of reinjury.
The list of exercises you can find here is long. Every person is unique, so not all activities are suitable for
everyone. To do these exercises, you don’t need to go to the gym. Taking a bit of time and motivation is
all you need to achieve your goals. Our recommendation is to perform these exercises in the morning. Or else, you always run a risk of postponing them during the day or even ending a day without doing them.


  • Start gradually with exercises.
  • Slowly increase the intensity of exercises.
  • Slowly increase the duration of the exercise.
  • Start with easy exercises, and later on, do a more demanding activity.
  • Have a proper rest between exercises
  • Exercises should not produce sharp/shooting pain
  • You can use heat/ice, pre/post exercises
  • Stop exercises if you feel dizziness, have unusual shortness of breath if you feel an irregular heartbeat, or have chest pain.


The content on this page is intended for education purposes only. No information in this post to be taken as medical or health advice. Please see a healthcare professional if you have any concern about your individual needs. 

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