Did You Know?

How To Use Crutches?

Crutches are mobility aids that can support and assist individuals recovering from injuries or surgeries affecting their lower limbs. Proper usage of crutches is crucial to ensure safety, stability, and efficient movement during the recovery process. This article will provide…

Laughter Therapy for TFCC Injuries

Always consult with a medical professional for accurate information and treatment. Here are the fun facts: TFCC injuries can make opening a jar feel like a superhero: With a TFCC injury, even the simplest tasks can become challenging. Suddenly, opening…

Maintaining Proper Posture to Prevent Work-Related Injuries

In today’s increasingly sedentary work culture, maintaining correct posture is crucial for preventing work-related injuries and promoting overall well-being. Poor posture can lead to various musculoskeletal issues, including back pain, neck strain, and repetitive strain injuries. In addition, this article…

Key Considerations for Patients After ACL Surgery: A Roadmap to Recovery

Undergoing ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) surgery is a significant step toward regaining stability and function in the knee joint. However, the success of the surgery greatly depends on the patient’s commitment to post-operative care and rehabilitation. By understanding and prioritizing…

Exercise Post-Covid: A Physio’s Perspective

Where to start? Complete everyday activities like housework, light gardening or gently work.   What next? Gradually increase the time you’re doing that task, for example, get to the point where you can complete a 30-minute light intensity walk. After…

5 Facts About Aquatic Physiotherapy

Aquatic plyometric training is effective in improving strength, jumping, and sprinting A systematic review revealed that compared to land plyometric training, aquatic plyometric training resulted in similar improvements in: • isokinetic knee strength • vertical jump • sprinting Aquatic physiotherapy…

ACL Rehab – When can I run again?

⇒ Pain <2/10 (Visual Analog Scale) ⇒ Knee flexion ROM 95% of the uninjured side ⇒ Full active knee extension ⇒ No effusion ⇒ Isometric Hamstrings and Quadriceps Strength > 70% off the uninjured side ⇒ Single leg hop test…

Does Swimming Help Lower Back Pain?

In the United States, more than 80 percent of adults have had lower back pain at some point in their life. That’s a staggering number of people who have had to struggle with this condition. Many are turning to activities…

Is knee clicking bad?

Is knee clicking bad? The name of this clicking sound is crepitus. There are different terms for the sounds around the knee: popping, snapping, catching, clicking, crunching, cracking, crackling, creaking, grinding, grating, clunking. Clicks can be physiological (normal) or pathological.…

The Road to Recovery

The Road to Recovery isn’t what many expect. We all want to get back fast, but “flare-ups” happen, some progress happens, some regression may happen, a temporary plateau may happen, a big jump may happen….these are all normal/expected on your…